《怀念狼》是一部内容诡异的长篇小说。本文通过分析认为 ,在小说中贾平凹借助狼与猎人的传奇性故事表现了作者“万物有灵”的思想 ,同时也表达了作者对人失去对立面 ,生命失去自然界的挑战后生命力衰退的疑虑。小说的叙事方式是传统的 ,而内容则体现了贾平凹先锋性的方面 :放弃经验 ,演绎观念。
Missing wolf'is a long absurd novel.By andlysing the novel,the author thought that Jiapingwa expressed the idea that verything has it spirit by means of his, The author of this novel also disprayed his epprehension on human being which are losing antithesis and lifes are losing confliet from nature.The narrative mode of this novel is traditional,but the contents reflected Jiapingwa's advanced trait:abandoning experience,deducing idea.
Journal of Hechi Normal College