LIGA technique has been developed since 1993 at BSRF,including the fabrication of LIGA mask, deep X-ray Lithography,electroplating,the pouring molding and the applications in some fields.The LIGA mask with gold absorbing structures of 20μm thick ness and 5μm width and Kapton membrane of around 5μm thicness has been successfull fabricated and applied to the deep X-ray lithography with the PMMA structure of 1mm thickness or obove.the beamline form a wiggler is used for the deep X-ray lithography of LIGA statiion and is open to othe institutes researching the deep X-ray lithography.The normal process of LIGA technique with the exception of molding has been established with the PMMA structures of 500μm thickness at BSRF.The largest aspect ratio of PMMA structrues can reach about 50 with the height of 500μm and the lateral siae of 10μm. The nickel and copper structures with the theickness of 0.5mm and 1mm have been made by using the electroplating technique.The SU8 as a resist material of deep etch lithography with UV light is also developed in the fabrication of LIGA mask and some devices at BSRF.Electromagnetic stepping micro motor,haet exchange,accelerator,structures used in the EDM(electro discharge machinging) are being developed for the future applications.