目的 :探讨年龄对高度近视患者LASIK手术效果的影响。方法 :随机选择接受LASIK手术 6个月以上的高度收稿日期 :2 0 0 2 -10 -2 8;修回日期 :2 0 0 2 -12 -0 2作者简介 :许琛琛 ( 1972 -) ,女 ,浙江温州人 ,在职研究生 ,主治医师。通信作者 :许琛琛 (E -mail:xcc @mail.eye .ac .cn)。近视 2 5 5眼 ,依年龄分为四组 :≤ 30岁、31~ 34岁、35~ 39岁和≥ 4 0岁四组 ,分别比较各组预留屈光度与术后 6个月时的实际屈光度 ,各组间术前屈光度、术后 6个月时的实际屈光度与预留屈光度的差值 ,以及差值与年龄、术前屈光度之间的相关性。结果 :①除≥ 4 0岁组外 ,各组间术前屈光度差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,而预留屈光度与术后 6个月时的实际屈光度的差值各组差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。②≤ 30岁和31~ 34岁组预留屈光度与术后 6个月时的实际屈光度在统计学上差异无显著性 (P >0 .0 5 ) ,而 35~ 39岁和≥ 4 0岁差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。③除 35~ 39岁组外 ,各组差值与年龄存在相关性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :对于高度近视患者 ,随着年龄的增加 ,术后早期远视的回退明显减弱 ,致使最终屈光度向远视漂移 ,而术前屈光度对其影响愈来愈小。因此 ,对于高度近视患者 ,我们应根据其年龄。
Objective:To determine whether the outcomes of LASIK for myopia are age dependent.Methods:This study comprised 255 eyes of high myopia that had undergone LASIK. Patients were divided into four groups(≤30 y?31~34 y?35~39 y and ≥40 y) according to the age. All patients were followed at least 6 months.Results:Significant results in the difference between intended residual refractive power and refractive power at post op 6 months among four groups(P<0.05),but there were no significant differences in refractive error before surgery(P>0.05). There were significant differences between intended residual refractive power and refractive power at post op 6 months in 35~39 y and ≥40 y(P<0.01). The differences between intended residual refractive power and refractive power at post op 6 months was correlated with age(P<0.01) except the group of 35~39 y,and the difference was correlated with refractive error before surgery(P<0.01) only in the group of ≤30 y.Conclusion:To high myopia patients,the poet surgical hyperopia regressed more slowly with age. Attempted correction should be adjusted accordingly to age and the amount of myopia.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology