本文认为逻辑思维的基本特征是确定性和论证性。反映思维确定性的逻辑基本规律是同一律、矛盾律和排中律。反映思维论证性的逻辑基本规律是充足理由律 ,而且充足理由律是逻辑思维的第一位的基本规律 ,其形式语言表达式 (形式定理 )是MP规则 (即分离规则 )
The thesis considers that the fundament characteristic of the logical thinking are certainty and argumentation.The basic logical law of the certainty of thinking are the law of identity,the law of contradition and the law of exclluded middle.The basic logical law of the argumentation of thinking is the law of sufficient reason.The law of sufficient reason is the first basic law of the logical thinking,and it's formal theorem is MP rule(i.e.the rule of detachment).
Journal of Kunming Teachers College