现代教育是着眼于学生全面发展的素质教育 ,是以经济社会发展需要为依据 ,以提高全体国民的素质为目标 ,它决定了教育理念的全面革新。确立基础理念 ,积累人类的科学文化知识 ,是继续学习和发展的基础 ,培养创新意识是适应未来社会发展的基础 ;养成学习习惯 ,为终身学习和发展奠定基础。确立全面理念 ,培养自由而全面发展的人。以人文主义教育来整合科学主义教育 ,提高素质。确立全体理念 ,个体的差异决定了人才的多层次规格 ,使学生群体呈现出丰富的统一。确立主体的理念 ,使受教育者主动、积极、充分地参与和发展。
Modern education is quality education in which stndents are cultivated and developed integrately.Its based on the demands of economical social development as the tanget of raising qualities of the whole nation.It decides the overall renovation of education theoritical ideas.Its the foundation to define basic theoritical ideas.Accumulating scientific cultural knowledge of human beings is the base for further learning and development.To develop creativity is the foundation to adapt oneself to the social development in funture.Developing study habit sets up the basis for life-long study and development.We should define conprehensive theoritical ideas and cultivate free and all-sidedly developed personnel.By using humanity education we can conform scientific education and raise qualities.To set up the theoritical ideas in full session and to set up the difference of individual defines the structure of multilevel personnel,which makes stndent group taking up richness and conforinity.To set up theoritical ideas in full session makes the education involved in development initiatively,actively and fully.
Journal of Kunming Teachers College