世界上的一切事物都是相对的 ,人对事物的认识也是相对的 ;美感认识是相对的、变化的、发展的。美属于人心的活动 ,艺术家用自己的观念表现不同的美感 ,不同民族有不同民族的审美意识。自然关系是相对的 ,绘画表现自然的相对关系。
All the things in the world,of its relationship,is a kind of relativity.So as it to men of their cognition to the world.Recognition of the aesthetic perception is also a process that is relative,changeable,and developing.Aesthetic perception is an inner world activity of human beings.Artists express their life philosophy through their unique and different aesthetic perception.Different nation express differently.The natural world is relative and it is painting that express this relationship if relativity.
Journal of Kunming Teachers College