Polymerization of styrene (St) with a new catalyst system composed of calixarene yttrium complex, magnesium aluminium alkyls and hexamethyl phosphoramide was studied. The catalyst system shows extremely high activity (>7×10 6 g PSt/mol Y·h) and gives polystyrene with very high viscosity average molecular weight (>5×10 5) .
Polymerization of styrene (St) with a new catalyst system composed of calixarene yttrium complex, magnesium aluminium alkyls and hexamethyl phosphoramide was studied. The catalyst system shows extremely high activity (>7×10 6 g PSt/mol Y·h) and gives polystyrene with very high viscosity average molecular weight (>5×10 5) .
ProjectsupportedbytheMajorStateBasicResearchDevelopmentProgram (No .G19990 64 80 1)andtheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (No .G2 0 2 5 40 0 1)andtheNaturalScienceFoundationofZhejiangProvince (No .G2 0 0 0 73 )