通过对高校体育与终身体育接轨过程中高校体育教育存在问题的分析 ,阐明高校体育教育应在教材建设、体育基础理论教学、建立体育俱乐部、营造良好的校园体育文化氛围、考核方法等方面进行改革 。
It is necessary to reform the P.R.E.in higher school as the aspects of the construction of textbook,the teaching of basic P.E.theory,the building of P.E.construction of textbook,the teaching of basic P.E.theory,the building of P.E.club,the creation of good P.E.culture atmosphere and the examining methods through analyzing the process of integrating P.E.in higher school into lifelong P.E.,which will lead to the integration of P.E.in higher school into lifelong P.E.
Journal of Qujing Normal University