

Design of Sub-Picture Division and Parallel Processing Module for HDTV MPEG-2 Video Coders
摘要 设计了遵循 MPEG-2 MP@HL压缩标准的 HDTV视频编码器基于水平条状分割系统方案的协议结构、实现模型和控制流程 ,同时也提供了后端并行编码的各子编码器压缩子码流合成的实现机理。分割并行处理方案必须处理两个关键问题 :子图序列编码及拼接的同步、子图压缩码率的分配。本文着重就前者的设计实现进行了详细分析 ,根据设计的分割方案定义了特定的图像数据接口协议 ,确保从基本物理层结构到应用层规范都符合 HDTV视频编码器的性能。同时在尽可能满足图像质量一致性的基础上 ,基于几种码率分配策略提供了系统测试结果。 A protocol structure, the model and the flow of a scheme are presented for dividing sub-pictures for HDTV MPEG-2 MP@HL video coders based on horizontal strip segmentation. While a mechanism of all parallel compressed data stream synthesis is described. The proposed scheme refers to two important issues: the synchronization for all sub-picture sequence compressing and composing; the bit-rate allocation strategy for all sub-picture sequence compressing procedure. The former is particularly addressed on the given image data interface protocol, which maintains the HDTV encoder performance in physical hierarchic structure and application prescription. Analytical results are provided based on several bit-rate allocation strategies aiming to accommodate picture quality consistence.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 2002年第4期408-414,共7页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 国家计委数字电视研制 开发及产业化专项基金 (编号 :985 1 1 5 0 0 8)资助项目
关键词 高清晰度电视 HDTV 视频编码器 系统子图分割 并行处理单元 设计 图像处理 dividing sub-picture bit-rate allocation activity analysis
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