在对序列比对结果进行分析的过程中 ,提出了基于生物进化思想的序列比对算法。该算法的出发点是在待比对序列中的不同位置插入空位 ,通过设计合理的遗传算子 ,在不断的进化过程中 ,使序列间具有最大的相似性。由于该算法的主要操作是比较、计数和移位 ,使得硬件实现具有可行性、简易性。测试结果表明了该算法的有效性。
Sequence similarity is the most basic task in computational biology. Sequence alignment algorithm based on evolutionary thoughts is presented. The key of the algorithm inserts some nulls at different positions in sequences, which makes the sequences have the most maximum similarity during evolutionary process by designing the fitted genetic operators. The algorithm makes it possible and easy to implement with hardware in parallel way, because the comparing, the counting and the shifting are used as its several main operations. Experimental result shows its validity.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing