介绍了一种用于磁悬浮轴承实时控制的数据采集与处理系统 ,该系统采用数字信号处理器 ( DSP)作为主控单元 ,可对五路传感器信号实现高速采集 ,所采用的 A/ D转换器集成在 DSP内部 ,具有很好的一致性 ,可以对两路信号实现精确的同步采样 ,对采集的数据进行控制运算后能实时 D/ A转换输出控制电压信号。系统控制软件采用 JTAG接口下载到 DSP的内部闪存。为了方便现场修改控制参数 ,设计了一个 DSP和计算机的RS2 32 C通讯接口。文中最后给出了应用实验结果。
A real-time data acquisition and processing system for active magnetic bearing (AMB) is introduced. Digital signal processor (DSP) is used to control the system and to sample five displacement sensors′ signals. Two analog to digital converts (ADC) are integrated in DSP to sample datum synchronously. After calculating the sampled datum, the DSP gives DAC results, which translates the hexadecimal datum to analog voltage signals. A digital I/O port and 16-bit 32 K RAM are designed on the PCB. The control software can be downloaded to a 16 K flash ROM integrated in DSP with a JTAG interface. The DSP system and PC can be connected by a RS232C communication interface. Finally, the applicational result is given.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing