目的 探讨雷公藤内酯醇 (TP)干预对哮喘豚鼠血浆和肺组织中内皮素 1 (ET 1 )水平的影响。方法 42只豚鼠随机分为对照组 (C) 6只、哮喘组 (A) 1 8只 ,干预组 (T) 1 8只。后两组依次分为 4小时组 (A4 、T4 )、8小时组 (A8、T8)及慢性组 (A2W、T2W) ,每组 6只。建立哮喘模型 ,放免法测定血浆和肺组织ET 1。结果 A4 、T4 、A8组肺组织ET 1显著高于血浆 ,C、T2W 组血浆ET 1显著高于肺组织。较C组 ,A4 、T4 、A8、T8、A2W组肺组织及A8、T8组血浆ET 1显著增加。各干预组肺组织ET 1显著低于哮喘组。结论 推测抑制肺组织ET 1的合成与分泌及其生物学效应等 。
Objective To investigate the effects of Triptolide(TP) on the changes of endothelin 1(ET 1) in plasma and lungs of asthmatic guinea pigs.Methods Forty two male guinea pigs were randomly devided into 3 groups:(1)control group(C);(2)asthmatic group,subdivided into 4 hours group(A 4),8 hours subgroup(A 8),chronic asthmatic subgroup(A 2W );(3)asthmatic managed group with TP,subdivided into 4 hours subgroup(T 4),8 hours subgroup(T 8),chronic asthmatic subgroup(T 2W ),with 6 guinea pigs in each subgroup.We measured the contents of ET 1 in plasma and lung with radioimmunoassay.Results The contents of ET 1 in plasma of C and T 2W were significantly higher than those in lung,and significantly lower in A 4,T 4,A 8.The contents of ET 1 in plasma of A 8,T 8 and in lung of A 4,T 4,A 8 were significantly higher than thoses in C.On the other hand,the content of ET 1 in lung of asthmatic managed groups were significantly lower than those in asthmatic subgroups.Conclusion The results suggest that TP can inhibit the synthesis and secretion and effects of ET 1 in lungs of asthmatic guinea pigs,and decreases leakage to blood.It may be the major one of mechanisms of TP treating asthma.
Jiangsu Medical Journal