太极天人合一是中医理论的基石之一 ,亦是认识、分析癌症 ,进而防治癌症的一条宏观 (天、地、人合一 )与微观 (分子生物学、量子医学 )层次相结合的思路。“人法天地”———人的各种太极S形结构、节律 ,乃是宇宙天地太极讯息能量场在人体上的一种客观上的共振投影与全息缩影 ,其中最关键的相似相谐共振模式亦为太极图、太极曲线。以此为基础思路 ,再结合多种学科门类 ,分析综合 ,设计出三种由浅入深的天人太极合一共振模式 ,以之指道临床 ,设法使人体失调的太极结构、节律与宇宙天地太极讯息场产生一种相谐共振 ,以此有效的、深层次地激发人体内在的自我修复、调整系统———“正气” ,使病情趋缓乃至康复。实践证明 ,这种太极天人合一共振扶正的理论与方法 。
The 'Heaven/Man Taiji Communion' concept not only serves as the primary foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but also provides an alternative guidance for cancer diagnosis and even strategies for cancer treatments and prevention. It integrates both the 'macroscopic' view of 'Environmental Heaven/Earth/Man Communion' in TCM and the'microscopic' view of 'Molecular Biology, Quantum Medicine etc.'.'Man Follows the Model of Heaven and Earth': The various S-shaped structural and rhythmic Taiji patterns on the human body are examples of the objective holographic projection and resonance of the environmental Taiji Informational Energy Field. The most basic and critical structural resemblance and functional resonance are the models of Taiji rings or Taiji curves. 'Heaven/Man Taiji Communion Resonance & Enhancement Procedures' have developed after the'Heaven/Man Taiji Communion Model' by integrating both ancient wisdom and modern science. The procedures provide holistic, multi-leveled remedies from the functional, structural and cellular levels. This, then, awakens, realigns, and strengthens the constitution of an imbalance system. Consequently, it restores the system to its natural holographic equilibrium.'Heaven/Man Taiji Communion Remedies' offer effective, deep, and lasting curative results. Effective clinical results have proven that 'Heaven/Man Taiji Communion Resonance & Enhancement Procedures' demonstrate a new avenue for future development and exploration in TCM.
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine