斯宾诺莎从“自因”出发 ,对于“上帝 -神”“存在”命题之“证明”作出小结 ,他的“实体”“自因”说深入人心 ,有很大的影响 ;然而斯宾诺莎哲学的意义还在于 ,他从这个前提出发 ,“推出”整个的世界 ,把感性情感世界包容在他的表面很枯燥的“几何式”逻辑推理之中 ,使人们日常经验世界具有了一种意义。这一条“自上而下”的思想路线 ,奠定了德国古典唯心主义哲学的基础。在这条路线指引下 ,并开创了“现象学 -显现学”的道路 ,其重要性是不可动摇的。
Starting from “cause sui”, Spinoza drew a conclusion about “testimonial” to the proposition of the “existence” of “God-divinity”. His theory of “substance” and “cause sui” has deeply impressed people and has a great influence. The significance of his philosophy lies in that starting from this premise, he “produces” the whole world and embraces sentimental world in his seemingly boring “geometric” logical reasoning, which gives meaning to people’s daily empirical world. This lays the foundation for German classical idealism philosophy. His thoughts paved the way for “phenomenology-manifestation”, which has a great importance.
The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute