文章介绍了磁悬浮列车上 PL C网络的故障诊断和恢复方法 ,该方法基于系统提供的一系列中断组织块 ,这些组织块能够对检测到的错误做出反应 ,并通过调用得到详细的错误信息 ,此外 ,文章还结合磁悬浮列车PL C测控系统自诊断课题对中断块自诊断做了进一步阐述。
This paper describes the method of malfunction diagnosis and restitution of the PLC network on maglev train. The method is based on a series of interruption organization blocks, which can respond promptly to detected errors and provide detailed information of failure when being called. Also,the paper provides further discussion on malfunction diagnosis based on interruption organization blocks in accordance with the task of measuring and control system diagnosis of maglev train.
Electric Drive