渴望教育、追求知识是广大农民自发的心态 ,但它在与家庭经济状况、巨额教育投资、微小收益回报等经济因素相联系 ,在与教育动机、内容、体制等现实教育状况相联系 ,在与农村政策环境及相关人群收入等社会现实相联系时 ,内驱力、外压力明显不足。因此 ,从内容和形式的结合上构建社会化的开放的多样的农民终身教育体系 ,从体制和机制的结合上建构面对市场经济、迎接知识经济的可操作性的相关政策法规体系 ,就成为重要的应对策略。
The broad masses of farmers long for knowledge and education. However, the spontaneous mentality seems to be less realistic, while connecting with some internal and external factors-family economic status, huge investment for education, trivial incomes; the motivation to accept education, the content and system of education; the rural policy environment, a large gap against the surrounding classes, etc. The article offers some countermeasures: combining educational forms with its contents to construct an open, diverse social lifelong education system for farmers, unifying educational system and its mechanism to establish pragmatic relative political and legal systems catering for market economy and knowledge economy.
Academic Exchange
河北省社会科学基金资助项目 ( 1 9990 4 0 2 6 )