达州市的高等教育事业走过了一条从无到有、从小到大、从单一到多学科发展的道路 ,但也存在着政府超前意识不强、部门支持不力和高校办学条件滞后、发展底气不足的困难。为此 ,文章从面临的机遇角度 ,着重论述了我市高校要激发内在动力 ,提高自身素质 ;要优化外部环境 ,提升我市高校品质的应对策略。
The higher education cause of Dazhou city crossed a road growing out of nothing,from small to large, and from simple to multiple, but it exists difficulties with weakly super conscious government, soft support of departments and sluggish school-running condition and unsteady basis of development. Therefore, from the angle of facing the opportunity, the article lays stress on the stimulation of internal motivation of higher school and self-quality improvement, beautification of outer surroundings and corresponding measures to promote the quality of Dazhou city.
Journal of Daxian Teachers College
达州市"十五"哲学社会科学规划重点课题研究成果 (市社科规 [2 0 0 2 ]1号 )