我国法学界对“欺诈”一词的界定大都与最高人民法院的司法解释相一致 ,这一界定是值得商榷的。最高人民法院只能就法律适用问题作出解释 ,而无权对法律规定的含义本身作出解释 ;而且该司法解释实际上是对“因欺诈而为的民事行为”的法律适用问题作出的解释 ;如果以最高人民法院的该司法解释作为“欺诈”的一般定义 ,则犯了“定义过窄”的逻辑错误。欺诈是指故意制造假相 ,或者隐瞒事实真相并可能使他人误解上当的行为。欺诈在主观方面必须有故意 ,在客观上只要有使他人上当受骗的可能性便可构成。
The definition of the word'cheat'made by the law circle of our country is in keeping with the interpretation made by the Supreme People's Court. Itis worth a discussion. The Supreme People's Court can only interpret practical law Problems, but has no right to interpret the lawful meaning. And in fact, this is only the interpretation of the practical law problem of the phrase 'civil behavior conducted through cheating'. We will made a logical mistake--'much narrow definition' if we use this interpretation as the general definition of the word'cheat'.Cheating refers to the act: creating a false impression purposefully, or with holding the truth and letting other be fooled. Cheating must be on purpose subjectively, and it is constituted objectively as long as there is possibility of letting others be fooled.
Hebei Law Science