联合国成立以来 ,国际社会存在着中立虚无主义的思潮。事实上 ,在武装冲突频繁出现、大国霸权主义犹存、集体安全体系远未完善和健康运作的情况下 ,更有必要探讨战时中立国的权利问题。集体安全体系的现状决定了战火之外的国家完全可以选择中立、运用中立权利的法律武器维护自身利益、反对大国海上霸权主义。国际社会之所以忽视中立国海上贸易权利问题是由多方面原因造成的。中立国海上贸易权利规则须作变更以适应目前的国际现实。
Since the UN was set up, the international nihilism about wartime neutrality has been existing. In fact, because of the still existing armed conflict hegemonism and the imperfect system of collective security, more discussion on the wartime neutral rights is very necessary. The reality of the system of collective security means that the unbelligerent states have rights to keep neutral, use the legal weapon of neutral rights to maintain their rights, and oppose hegemonism. Because of many causes the international society overlooked the wartime neutral rights.And to suit the present reality, the neutral rights of maritime trade should be revised.
Hebei Law Science