报告了诱发拟南芥产生系统抗性的改进的方法。通过直接用荧光假单胞菌 (Pseudomonasfluores cent)M 18菌悬液浇灌植株根际代替收集菌体与土壤混合的方法、以直接播种替代移苗以及以病原菌喷雾接种法替代蘸叶接种法 ,在拟南芥 (Arabidopsisthaliana)生态型Columbia中 ,有效地建立了诱导性系统抗性(inducedsystemicresistance,ISR)的实验模式。这种改进的方法简化了操作步骤 ,缩短了试验周期 ,使大规模筛选ISR突变体成为可能 ,同时还能避免因移栽引起的各种其他抗性反应的干扰。
This report describes an improved method for inducing systemic resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. This includes irrigating plants directly with Pseudomonas fluorescent suspension instead of combining collected M18 with soil sowing seeds derectly without the additional step to transplant seedlings to soil, and pathogen spraying instead of leaf-dipping inoculation(Fig.5). With treatment of M18, this improved method set up the induced systemic resistance(ISR) model effectively under long-day and short-day conditions(Figs.2-4). Because of the simplification of the operation and shortening of the experiment periods, it makes the large scale screening of ISR mutants possible. In addition, this method can avoid the disturbance caused by other resistants caused by the transfer of seedlings.
Journal Of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology
国家自然科学基金 (No .30 0 70 395 )项目资助