作者对我国的桃花水母属Craspedacusta的 2亚种和2变种重新通过形态学观察 ,并与国内外已发表的Craspeda custa属 7种相比较 ,其刺丝囊疣的形状和排列及生殖腺的形状和颜色均存在明显的差异。故认为此 2亚种和 2变种应提升为种 ,即信阳桃花水母CraspedacustaxinyangensisHe,1980 ,杭州桃花水母CraspedacustahangzhouensisHe,1980、乐山桃花水母CraspedacustakiatingiGawandKung ,1939和宜昌桃花水母Craspedacustakawaii (Oka ,190 7)。本文将全世界 11种桃花水母的形态特征作了比较并附以系统检索。
The two subspecies and two variety of Craspedacusta sowerbyi, namely C. sowerbyi xinyangensis, C. sowerbyi hangzhouensis, C. sowerbyi var. kaitingi and C. sowerbyi var. kawaii are distinguished from 7 species of genus Craspedacusta by the shape and arrangement of nematocyst warts,shape and color of gonads, the author consider that the two subspecies and two variety should be promoted as species of the genus Craspedacusta.Up to now the genus Craspedacusta have contained 11 species in the world. The morphological characters of these 11 species are compared as follows.A key to these species is provided.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica