

摘要 类鸠螺科Columbariidae属软体动物门、腹足纲、前鳃亚纲、新腹足目。是软体动物门中一个较小的类群。分布于热带和亚热带 ,主要栖息于深海区域 ,较少见。我所在历年的海洋调查和全国海洋综合调查时 ,仅在南海和东海南部采到 3个标本。 1999年 4月中国科学院南沙综合科学考察队 ,分别在南沙群岛海区 6号站水深 5 0 0m和14A站水深 480m处共采到 7个标本 ,其中有 3个是生活标本。除台湾的赖景阳 (1994)曾报道过本科的一个种外 ,目前在我国对本科尚未做过系统研究。作者通过对我们采集的标本进行整理研究 ,共鉴定出类鸠螺科 2属 6个种 ,其中有 3个新种和 1个新纪录。 This paper deals with species of the Family Columbriidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) found in China. All specimens studied were obtained from collections made by the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The Columbariidae is a small family, only 3 specimens having been collected prior to Apr. 1999 when 7 specimens were collected from the waters off the Nansha Islands. 6 species and 2 genera were identified as belonging to the Columbriidae, among which are 3 species new to science and 1 species recorded for the first time in China (marked with an asterisk*). The species were as follows: *Columbarium spinicinctum (Martens, 1881) Columbarium pagoda nakayasui Habe, 1979 Columbarium suzukii Habe and Kosuge, 1972 Columbarium sinensis sp. nov. Columbarium corollaceous sp. nov. Fulgurofusus nanshaensis sp. nov. Description of the New Species1 Columbarium sinensis sp. nov. (Fig.3);Holotype locality. Nansha Islands, station 6 (7°N,113°38′E), Hainan Province.Depth 500?m, 14 Apr. 1999. Holotype.Height 58?mm,breadth 20?mm. Paratypes.Height 72?mm,breadth 28?mm. Holotype (No.M39782) and paratype (No.M39783) deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao). Description.Shell long fusiform, not thick, solid, with about 8 whorls, suture line shallow and clear. Pale or milky white in color. Protoconch 2, smooth, without cords, and teat-like in form. Spire high and turriform. The middle erect in each whorl, margin in each whorl forms a shoulder on which are a row of stronger, triangular short, coarse spines. Under the shoulder of the body whorl usually 3-4 rows of fine spiral cords consisting of small spines, 2 rows above suture line on each whorl. Aperture nearly round, with an erect and slice-like margin. At the middle part of outer lip is a developed triangular spine. Anterior canal long, extending for about 60% of the shell length, tube-form, anterior part curved, on which are circular, small spines until the middle anterior canal. The operculum is corneous and light brown in color. Habit and distribution. Found on the muddy and sandy bottom in the waters of Nansha Islands, at 500?m depth, the new species is uncommon. Known only from the Nansha Islands up to now. Discussion. The new species is similar in shape to C. acanthostephes echinatum, however, the later differs from it in that it has 2 rows of cords consisting of spines above the suture line of each whorl, and has 1-2 rows of convex cords consisting of spines on the slope from under the suture line to the shoulder, while the new species is smooth from under the suture line to shoulder.2 Columbarium corollaceoum sp. nov.(Fig. 4);Holotype locality.Nansha Islands, station 6 (7°N,113°38′E), Hainan Province. Depth 500?m, 14 Apr. 1999. Holotype.Height 52.5?mm,Breadth 16.0?mm. Holotype(No.39871) deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Qingdao) Description. Shell long fusiform, not thick, with about 7 whorls, suture line shallow, pale or milky white in color. Protoconch 2, smooth, without cords, teat-like in form. Spire high, turriform. The middle part of each whorl erect, margin forming a shoulder on which is a row of triangular short spines, coronal in shape. Above the suture line on each whorl, there is a fine cord consisting of spines. Under the shoulder of the body whorl there are usually 2 rows of spiral cords, 1 row consisting of fine spines, the other row consisting of scaled spiral cords. Between the cords is a weaker cord. Small spines in circular form extend from the base of body whorl to the middle anterior canal. Aperture oval in shape, inner lip smooth, arc-shaped in form. Outer lip thin, margin erect, slice shaped. At the middle part of outer lip is a developed triangular spine. Anterior canal very long, extending for about 2/3 of the shell length, tube-form, anterior part is straighter. Operculum corneous, light brown in color. Habit and distribution. Found on the muddy and sandy bottom in the waters off Nansha Islands, at 500?m depth, species is uncommon.
作者 张素萍
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期37-41,共5页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 中国科学院海洋研究所调查研究报告第 452 9号 .~~
关键词 中国 软体动物门 腹足纲 前鳃亚纲 新腹足目 类鸠螺科 新种 新纪录 Mollusca, Columbariidae, new species, new record.
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  • 1Abbott, R. T. and Dance, S. P. I983. Compendium of Seashells. New York, 158.
  • 2Darragh, T. A. 1969. A revision of the Family Columbariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., 83 (1): 63-119.
  • 3Habe, T. and Kosuge, S. 1972. A new species of the genus Columbarium from the South China Sea (Columbariidae, Gastropoda).Venus., 31 (3): 111-112.
  • 4Habe, T. 1979. The Western Pacific Columbarridae species. Venus. ,38 (1): 1-4.
  • 5Lai, K-Y 1994. Shells of Taiwan (special publication).








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