
广西大瑶山地区蚱总科六新种记述(直翅目) 被引量:23

摘要 记述扁角蚱科及短翼蚱科昆虫 6新种及 1种雄性新发现 ,即齿股扁角蚱Flatocerusdentifemurasp .nov .,钩顶棒蚱Rhopalotettixuncusivertexsp .nov .,金秀玛蚱Mazarrediajinxiuensissp .nov .,断隆玛蚱Mazarrediainterruptasp .nov .,短背波蚱Bolivaritettixbrachynotussp .nov .,圆肩波蚱Bolivaritettixcircinihumerussp .nov .及湖南希蚱XistrellahunanensisWang雄性新发现。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 This paper deals with six new species of Tetrigoidea from Dayaoshan area of Guangxi. The type specimens are kept in Institute of Zoology, Chinese Ac ademy of Sciences.1 Flatocerus dentifemura sp. nov.(Figs.1-2) This new species is allied to Flatocerus daqingshanensis Zheng et Jiang, but differs in: 1) vertex with mid-keel; 2) 6-8 articles of antenna compresso-dilated; 3) with a pair short obliquecurved keels between the shoulders; 4) width of mid-femur as wide as the width of elytra; 5) mid-keel of upper side of hind femur with a series fine teeth; 6 ) inner and lower sides of hind femur black.; Length of body: ♀ 12^5?mm; length of pronotum: ♀ 13^5?mm; length of hinid femur: ♀ 6?mm. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu(900- 1?900?m, 24°1′N, 110°1′E), co llected by YAO Jian.2 Rhopalotettix uncusivertex sp. nov.(Figs.3-5) This new species is similar to Rhopalotettix guangxiensis Zheng et Jiang and Rhopalotettix taiwanensis Liang. It differs from the former in: 1) in ner side of eyes parallel; 2) fastigium short, distinctly narrow in the one-fourth near the top of fastigium; 3) without a p air short longitudinal keels between the shoulders. It differs from the latter i n: 1) the lower margin of fastigium curves downward; 2) antennae longer, the len gth of middle segment 10 times longer than its width. Length of body: ♂ 10?mm; ♀ 13?mm. Length of pronotum: ♂ 13.5?mm; ♀ 14.0?mm. Length of hind femur: ♂ 5.5?mm; ♀ 7.0?mm. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu (900-1?900?mm, 24°1′N, 110°1′E), 28 Ju ne 2000, by LI Wen-Zhu; paratype 1 ♂, Guangxi: Jinxiu, 1?000?m, 2 July 2000,collected by YAO Jian.3 Mazarredia jinxiuensis sp. nov.(Figs.6-8) This new species is allied to Mazarredia huanjiangensis Zheng et Jiang a nd Mazarredia longshengensis Zheng et Jiang. It differs from the both i n: 1) width of mid-femur is 1.3 times the width of elytra; 2) hind wing extend ing extends over the top of hin d process. It differs from the latter by in that the lateral keels of prozona a re parallel. It differs from the former by the width of vertex as wide as the width of an eye. Length of body: ♀ 11?mm; length of pronotum: ♀ 11?mm; length of hind fem ur: ♀ 6.5?mm. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu(1?000?m, 24°1′N, 110°1′E), 2 July 200 0,by CHEN Jun.4 Mazarredia interrupta sp. nov.(Figs.9-11) This new species is allied to Mazarredia hunjiangensis Zheng et Jiang, b ut differs in: 1) vertex slightly narrower than the width of an eye; 2) lateral keels of prozona distinctly constrict backward; 3) mid-keel of pronotum interr upted; 4) width of mid-femur as wide a s the width of elytra; 5) lower margin of mid-femur wave like. Length of body: ♀ 8?mm; length of pronotum:♀ 11.5?mm; length of hind f emur: ♀ 6?mm. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu (450?m, 24°1′N, 110°1′E), 1 July 2000,co llected by YAO Jian.5 Bolivaritettix brachynotus sp.nov.(Figs.12-1 4) This new species is related to Bolivaritettix ghumtianus (Hancock), but di ffers in: 1) width of vertex 11.2-1.5 times the width of an eye; 2) lateral k eels of prozona pa rallel; 3) with a pair of short longitudinal keels between the shoulders; 4) low er margin of mid-femur wave like. Length of body: ♀ 10-10.5?mm; length of pronotum: ♀ 9-10?mm; length of hind femur: ♀ 6.0-6.2?mm. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu(24°1′N,110°1′E), 450?m, 1 July 2000, by CHEN Jun; paratype 1♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu, 450?m, 30 June 2000, collec ted by YAO Jian.6 Bolivaritettix circinihumerus sp. nov.(Figs.15-17) This new species is allied to Bolivaritettix humeralis Gunther, but differs in: 1) width of vertex 1.7 times the width of an eye; 2) humeral angle round, constrict behind distinctly; 3) lateral keels of prozona long, distinctly constrict backward; 4) hind angle of lateral lobe of pronotum flat,concave in the middle; 5) hind wing not reaching the top of hind process. Length of body: ♀ 13?mm; length of pronotum: ♀ 17?mm; length of hind fem ur: ♀ 8.5?mm. Holotype ♀, Guangxi: Jinxiu (1?100?m, 24°1′N, 110°1?
作者 郑哲民
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期88-94,共7页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
关键词 广西 大瑶山地区 直翅目 蚱总科 扁角蚱科 短翼蚱科 新种 Orthoptera, Tetrigoidea, new species.
  • 相关文献


  • 1Gunther,K. 1939. Revision der Acrydiinae(Orthoptera)Ⅲ.Setio Amorphopi(Metrodorae Bol. 1887 auct.).Abhandlun und Beriche der Museum fur Tierkunde und Volkerku-Nde zu Dresden(A),20,1-335.
  • 2Hancock,J. L. 1910. Thrid paper on the Tetriginae in the Oxford University Museum. Trans. Ent. Socv London,346-365.
  • 3Liang,G-Q 1993. Studies on the genus Rhopalotettix Hancock from China(Orthoptera:Tetrigoidea:Metrodoridae).Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni,32(2):60-62.[梁铬球,1993.中国尖顶蚱属(Rhopalotettix Hancock)的研究.中山大学学报,32(2):60~62]
  • 4梁铬球 郑哲民.广东省蚱科一新属一新种(直翅目)[J].昆虫学报,1984,27(4):430-432.
  • 5Liang,G-Q and Zheng,Z-M 1998. Fauna Sinica,Insecta Vol. 12,Orthoptera,Tetrigoidea. Science Press,Beijing.1-278.[梁铬球,郑哲民,1998.中国动物志,昆虫纲,第12卷:直翅目,蚱总科北京:科学出版社,1-278]
  • 6王云珍.武陵山希蚱属一新种(直翅目:蚱科)[J].昆虫学报,1999,42(2):199-201. 被引量:4
  • 7郑哲民,蒋国芳.广西北部环江地区蚱总科的调查(直翅目)[J].广西科学院学报,1994,10(1):86-92. 被引量:22













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