描记纹胸属鱼类 1新种 ,珠江纹胸Glyptothoraxzhujiangensissp .nov.,采自广东新会市崖西镇白水带溪(属珠江水系 )。新种与四斑纹胸G .quadriocellatus较相近 ,但胸吸着器呈心形而不是楔形 ,腹鳍起点近吻端而不是近尾鳍基 ,头部无斑而不是在两眼后方各有 1个黄色亮斑 ,尾鳍长大于而不是小于头长 ,鳃耙数、脊椎骨数较多 ,脂鳍基较短 ,与后者明显不同。
During an investigation on the freshwater fish-fauna in Southern Zhujiang R iver Delta and Islands of Zhujiang River Mouth, specimens of sisorid catfi sh belonging to the genus Glyptothorax were collected in the Baishuidai St ream which is a small river entering to the Xijiang River that belonging to the Zhujiang River System. The author considered them to be new species and p roposed to name them as:Glyptothorax zhujiang-ensis. Glyptothorax zhujiangensis sp.nov.(Figs.1-2) Holotype: No. ZX 970901, total length 64.5?mm, standard length 50.5?mm, coll ected from Baishuidai Stream Basin, in Yaxi Town (22°15′ N, 112° 59′25 ″E), Xinhui City, middle-southern Guangdong Province, 29 Sep. 1997, and kept in the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan , Hubei Province. Paratypes: 19, Nos. ZX 970902-10 (kept in the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chine se Academy of Sciences), Nos. ZX 991001-10 (kept in the Zhuhai City Fisheri es Science Research Institute of Guangdong Province, Zhuhai, Guangdong Province) , total length 38.5-73.5?mm, standard length 30.5-61.5?mm, collect ed from the same locality as the holotype, 29 Sep. 1997 and 2 Oct. 1999. D. II-6; A. iii-iv-8-9; P. I-8-9; V. i-5; C. 17 (branched), G il-rakers 8-9. Vertebrae 5 + 30 + 1=36. Depth of body 5.5 (5.1-6.0)(unite:mm), length of head 4 .2 (4.0-4.4), length of caudal peduncle 5.6 (5.1-6.3), depth of caudal pe duncle 9.7 (9.0-10.5) in standard length. Length of snout 2.4 (2.2-2 .6), interorbital length 2.9 (2.7-3.0), diameter of eye 11.2 (10.0-12. 4), width of mouth 2.2 (2.1-2.4), depth of head 1.4 (1.3-1.5) , width of head 1.1 (1.0-1.2), length of dorsal spine 1.9 (1.7-2. 2), l ength of pectoral spine 1.5 (1.4-2.0), length of caudal peduncle 1.3 ( 1.2-1.4), depth of caudal peduncle 2.4 (2.2-2.5) in head length. Dep th of head 1.3 (1.2-1.5) in head width. Diameter of eye 4.0 (3.8-4.4) of in terorbital length. Depth of caudal peduncle 1.8 (1.5-1.9) of its own len gt h. Width of adhesive apparatus 1.1 (1.0-1.2) of its own length. Width of supraoccipital spine base about 4.2 (3.4-5.1) of its own length. The new species is similar to Glyptothorax quadriocellatus Mai in ap pearance, but differs from the latter in the following characters: 1) adhesive apparatus taking the heart-shaped, its posterior edge in shallow depression,versus taking the wedge-shaped,its posterior edge in deep depression in the latter; 2) number of gill-rakers 8-9 instead of 5-7; 3) verteb ral count 36 (5+30+1) instead of 35 (5+29+1); 4) ventral origin n earer to tip of snout versus farther to tip of snout, and the fin-rays far from origin of anal fin versus reaching to origin of anal fin in the latter; 5) a di pose fin base shorter, its length about two third of the distance from origin of adipose to the end of dorsal fin base, but the latter longer,its length over the disance; 6) length of caudal fin longer than length of head versus shorter than length of head in the latter; 7) head without any blotch versus one brig ht-yellowish blotch at the rear of each eye of that G. quadriocellatus.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica