将 2 0 0例小儿迁延性肺炎随机分成两组 ,在用抗生素治疗的基础上 ,治疗组加用中药加味麻杏石甘汤 ,疗程均为 2 0天。结果 :治疗组在平喘、止咳、肺部湿罗音消失及缩短疗程方面 ,明显优于单用抗生素的对照组 ,两组总有效率比较差异具有显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。
Two hundreds of protracted infantile pneumonia were randomized into two groups:treatment group in which 100 cases were treated by antibiotics and modified “Maxing Shigan Decoction” and control group in which another 100 cases were treated by simple antibiotics,with a course of 20 days.Results:The treatment group had better effects than control group in relieving cough,asthma and moist rales and shortening treatment course;and the total effective rate in the former group was significantly higher than that in the latter group,P<0.01.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine