[目的 ]探讨乳母口服维生素K1 预防婴儿维生素K缺乏出血症 (VKDB)的效果。 [方法 ]干预组 9871名乳母自分娩后每 1 0天口服维生素K1 片 1 0mg直到满 3个月 ,未干预组 1 0 0 1 0人不服 ,均观察婴儿 6个月内的出血情况 ;同时小样本采集乳母初乳、1月乳、2月乳汁和婴儿的脐血、1个月、2个月静脉血分别测定维生素K1 和维生素K缺乏诱导蛋白 (PIVKA Ⅱ )含量。 [结果 ]干预组发生 1例VKDB ,未干预组发生 2 2例VKDB ;干预组母亲 1个月乳汁和 2个月乳汁中维生素K1 含量分别是未干预组的 3 5倍和 3倍 ,干预组婴儿 1个月外周血PIVKA Ⅱ阳性率和未干预组比较未表现出统计学差异。 [结论 ]母亲口服维生素K1 可明显提高母乳维生素K1 的含量 。
Objective\]To explore the preventive effect of infant's vitamin K deficiency bleeding(VKDB) by lactating mothers' intake of oral vitamin K 1 \9 871 lactating mothers, as the intervened group , took vitamin K 1 10 mg every 10 days from delivery to full 3 months while the 10 010 cases did not take anything as the controlled group All the infants' bleeding were observed until 6 months Vitamin K 1 in mothers milk and protein induced by vitamin K absence Ⅱ(PIVKA Ⅱ) in babies cord blood and vein blood were measured at the delivery, one month and two months \There was only one VKDB occurring in the intervened group while there were 22 VKDB occurring in the controlled group The vitamin K 1 level in milk of intervention mothers were 3 5 and 3 times as that of the controlled group by the end of one month and two months However ,the difference of infant's blood PIVKA Ⅱ between two groups was insignificant \[Conclusions\]Mothers' oral intake of Vitamin K 1 can significantly improve vitamin K 1 level in breast milk and prevent VKDB among breast fed infants
Liferatue and Information On Preventine Medicine