采用Zorbax SIL色谱柱、以二氯甲烷,甲醇为流动相的高效液相色谱法,测定了阔草清除草剂在玉米田土壤、玉米籽粒和植株上的残留动态,建立了样品前处理方法和分析方法.阔草清在土壤、玉米籽粒、植株的添加回收率分别为88.00%~96.80%,90.30%~93.50%和84.20%~94.20%.阔草清在土壤中的半衰期(t1/2)吉林为12.1 d,山东为20 d,降解速度较慢;在植株中半衰期(t1/2)吉林为4.3 h,山东为5.5 h,降解较快.但在收获的土壤、玉米和植株中均未检出,说明其残留污染性很小,可以在玉米田安全使用.
The residual dynamics of flumetsulam in soil and corn were determined with HPLC, using a Zorbax SIL column and methylene dichloride metanol(98.4∶1.6)as mobile phase. A method for pretreatment of sample and analysis was established. Recoveries of flumetsulam in soil, corn and plant were 88.00%~ 96.80% , 90.30%~93.50% and 84.20%~94.20% respectively. Flumetsulam degrades slowly and its half life in soil was 12.1?d (Jilin)and 20?d(Shangdong), Flumetsulam degrades relatively fast and its half life was 4.3?d (Jilin)and 3.5?d(shandong), but residual flumetsulam in the soil and corn was not detected. The result showed that the residual pollution of flumetsulam is negligible, so the application of flumetsulam is safe for the soil and corn.
Journal of Beihua University(Natural Science)