目的 总结小肠折叠排列术治疗广泛粘连性肠梗阻的技术经验。方法 回顾 1985年10月~ 2 0 0 1年 9月收治的 6 86例肠梗阻病例中 ,就手术中诊断为广泛粘连性肠梗阻并行小肠折叠排列术的 76例临床资料进行总结分析。结果 本组 76例中 ,74例痊愈出院 ,获随访 4 5例 ,随访时间 1个月~ 16年 ,平均 9年 ,无因粘连性肠梗阻而再次入院手术者 ,无肠瘘等并发症 ,死亡 2例分别于术后第 2、3d因感染中毒性休克死亡。结论 小肠折叠排列术是治疗广泛粘连性肠梗阻的有效术式 ,适用于反复发作、曾多次梗阻松解等病例 ,强调规范手术操作 ,注重整体治疗。
Objective To summarize the experience of small intestine fold arrange operation for extensive intestinal obstruction due to adhesions.Methods Among 686 cases of intestinal obstruction between Oct. 1985 and Sep. 2001, clinical data of 76 cases (48 cases of adhesions loose and small intestine fold arrange operation, 28 cases of excision of part small intestine and small intestine fold arrange operation) of extensive intestinal obstruction due to adhesions diagnosed in operation were analyzed retrospectively.Results Seventy four ( 97.37% ) patients were cured and two died ( 2.63% ). Forty five patients were subjected to a follow up of 1 month to 16 years. No complications occurred. Infectious shock was the main dead cause.Conclusion Small intestine fold arrange operation is an effective way for extensive intestinal obstruction due to adhesions.
Journal of Abdominal Surgery