

CT and clinical analysis in 96 alert to deterioration head injury patients without primary coma
摘要 目的:探讨头伤后无原发昏迷病人病情恶化的原因,寻找有效的诊治方法。方法:分析96例无原发昏迷头伤病人伤后病情恶化的临床和CT资料。结果:63.5%出现急性血肿和/或脑挫裂伤伴脑水肿;14.6%出现迟发性血肿或原有的血肿扩大;21.9%出现慢性硬膜下血肿。结论:头伤后有无原发昏迷不能作为判断有无原发性脑损伤的唯一指标,对这类患者应在24h内严密观察病情,动态GCS监测并及时复查CT,以便尽早发现和治疗导致病情恶化的病因,提高救治成功率。 Objective :To investigate the reasons of deterioration from an alert state for head injury patients and work out the best diagnosis and treatment method. Methods: Retrospectively analyze CT and clinical findings of 96 patients with head injuries who were alert and then deteriorated. Results: 63. 5% of patients who went from an alert to a deteriorated state showed acute variant of in-tracranial hematomas and edema; 14.6% of patients revealed subacute delayed hematomas and expansion of hematomas;and 21.9% revealed chronic subdural hematomas. Conclusion :The primary coma is not the only standard to judge whether there are primary brain injuries resulting from minor head injuries. We should observe alert head injury patients carefully, record GCS regularly and take head X - rays routinely. CT scanning can provide details and accurate information for us to evaluate minor or severe brain injury and risk. Further we should prevent and treat primary and secondary diseases which may cause deterioration. On conclusion, the above measures are keys to reduce mortality and disability of alert head injury patients.
出处 《重庆医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期75-77,共3页 Journal of Chongqing Medical University
关键词 病情恶化 CT 脑挫裂伤 急性血肿 脑水肿 Head injury Alert CT GCS
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