原发性先天性青光眼 (primary congenital glauco-ma,PCG)是一种遗传性致盲眼病。其防治关键在于揭示PCG致病基因 ,实现基因诊断和治疗。近年来的分子遗传学研究确定 CYP1B1基因为 PCG致病基因之一。本文对CYP1B1基因突变及其遗传特点作一综述 。
Primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) is a blind leading hereditary disease .To find out the PCG causative genes so that the gene diagnosis and therapy can be carried out is the key point in its prevention and treatment. Recently, CYP1B1 gene has been identified to be one of the PCG causative genes in recent researches. The CYP1B1 gene mutations and its hereditary features are reviewed as a reference for further researches.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology