当前各湿法炼锌厂锌电解用电几乎都实行峰、谷、平 ,这是因为锌电解是用电大户 ,每产 1t锌 ,直流电需 3 0 0 0~ 3 2 0 0KWh ,为避免和居民用电发生冲突 ,在用电高度集中地区 ,谷期一般都采用高电流密度 ,这样才能保证产量。另一个原因是谷期电价是峰期的三分之一 ,在谷期采用尽可能高的电流密度 ,可以大大降低用电成本。
At present, almost every wet-way zinc smelters will distribute electricity usage by time of flood tide, low tide and flat tide in zinc electrolyzing. First of all, a zinc electrolyzing smelter must be a big user of electricity that the smelter will need 3000-3200KWH direct-current electricity to produce one single metric ton of zinc metal; in order to avoid conflict of electricity usage with residents of high electricity consumption area, most smelters will always adopt high electricity current at low tide time of electricity usage to ensure their output. Furthermore, since the electricity price in low tide time is only 1/3 of that in flood tide time, so the smelter will greatly decrease the cost of electricity by adopting the highest electricity density in low tide time. This report will expatiate on measures taken in operation of high electricity current density.
Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgy
electric efficiency
electric density
summit time low tide time and flat time of electric usage