变截面楔形构件和蜂窝梁都能够节约材料 ,提高构件的承载力。本文在二者的基础上 ,对热轧H型钢进行两次切割 ,加工成空腹变截面构件 ,利用ANSYS对不同孔洞大小、间距和楔率的空腹楔形构件进行稳定和承载力分析 ,发现孔洞大小、间距和楔率在一定范围内 。
Tapered column and castellated beams can save material,enhance strength and rigidity.On the basis of this theory,H shaped steels are cut and made into castellated tapered members in this research.The software of ANSYS was applied to analyze the influence of size of holes and tapering ratio on strength and rigidity of members.When size of holes and tapering ratio are below certain value,they have little effect on strength and rigidity.
Low Temperature Architecture Technology