虽然重庆市政府对下岗职工的再就业问题作了很大的努力和投入 ,但还是有相当一部分下岗职工不能再就业或再就业困难 ,其现状和存在的问题不容乐观。为了有效地解决这一问题 ,必须站在劳动力市场就业的角度来对下岗职工的再就业培训问题作比较深入的探讨 ,以找到一条行之有效的途径 ,大幅度地提高下岗职工的再就业率 ,这对于维护社会稳定 ,促进社会发展 。
Chongqing is an old industry city. With the need of developing socialism market economy, the state enterprises in Chongqing cannot survive without reforming. Due to the system reform, the unemployment implied in original employment system becomes obvious. This triggers off the problems of laid\|off workers. Although the government made great efforts and used lots of money on it, these problems are still serious. In order to solve these problems, it is necessary to explore the re\|employment and training of the laid\|off workers in the stand of labor market, and find an effective way to solve this hot problem. As a result, the rates of employment can be increased greatly, and it is also significant to maintain the social stability, to improve the social development and to benefit the smooth of reform\|open?
Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)