随着由应试教育向素质教育的转变 ,如何才能培养具有全面素质的人才将是一项新的课题。体育对人的体质、健康心理、毅志品质、精神面貌及对团队精神的培养、活泼开朗个性的塑造等都是其他教育所不能替代的 ,为了适应素质教育的需要 。
Now the national education policy will be changeed from passing test to quality education. Physical education can improve health, psychology nature, willpower, spirit, also PE can train quick think, bright and cheerful disposition, etc. PE works its better than subjects. So PE should fit in with the needs of quality education and develp potential PE forces to the full.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Natural Sciences Edition