

A Dynamical Model for Nonlinear Viscoelastic Beam-Columns
摘要 对材料满足Leaderman非线性本构关系、且两端简支的梁—柱的动学模型运用Calerkin方法进行截数据简化变为常微分—积分 。 The integro-prtial-differential eguation that gov er ns the dynmical behavior of homogenous material of the beam-columns obeys the L eaderman nonlinear consitutive relation. In the case of two simple supported end s, the Galerkin meheod is applied to simplify the eguation into a integro-diffe rntial eguation. For a class of certain material, the eguation is further simpli fied to a differential eguation.
出处 《华东交通大学学报》 2003年第1期42-44,共3页 Journal of East China Jiaotong University
关键词 非线性粘弹性梁-柱 本构关系 动力学模型 运动微分方程 Leaderman关系 GALERKIN方法 visvoelastic beam-column differential egution of mot ion leaderman relation galerpcin method
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  • 1G. Suire,G. Cederbaum. Elastica type dynamic stability analysis of viscoelastic columns[J] 1994,Archive of Applied Mechanics(5):307~316
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