文章通过对体育和体育文化、体育文化的区域性、时代性特征以及文化对体育的影响的论述 ,探讨了如何在新形势下进行体育教学改革 ,及利用社会体育文化和在学校中形成的体育文化氛围来培养学生兴趣 。
Through the exploration of such questions as physical education and its culture, the features of locality and age of physical education ,and the influences of culture on physical education, the present paper makes a study of the reform of teaching in physical education under the new condition, cultivates the interest of students through the influence of social culture of physical education and atmosphere of the culture of physical education created on the campus, in order to strengthen the cultural quality of physical education of university students and make physical education teaching more effective.
Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University