清王朝中央集权制危机始于太平天国起义。在镇压太平天国起义的过程中 ,地方势力逐渐崛起 ,渐成尾大不掉之势。鸦片战争后 ,洋务运动兴起 ,洋务派的主要代表及地方督抚更是挟洋自重 ,扩展势力 ,俨然成为集大权于一身的地方军阀 ,地方独立倾向日趋明显 ,并最终发展到庚子之侮。督抚公然抗旨 ,造成东南互保 ,划界自守的局面 ,标志着晚清外重内轻政治格局的形成。清廷在其统治最后的十年被迫实施新政 ,进行官制和军制改革 ,企图藉以重新集权 ,但由于中央与地方之间在权力分配及关系调整上始终未能达成共识 ,业已长期存在的矛盾不断激化 ,最终导致清王朝的土崩瓦解。
The crisis of feudal centralized system starts with the peasant uprising of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom During the process of suppressing Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the regional forces gradually become strong and out of the control of the central government After the Opium War, with the Movement of Westemization, the main representatives of it and the provincial heads tend to become the powerful warlords by depending on the foreign support to enlarge their force The development of local independance inevitably leads to the disgraceful event The public defence of the emperor's orders by the southeast provincial heads develops into the joint defense and the seperatist warlord regimes, which shows political situation of central government with regard to interior affairs has been weaked During the last ten years' rule, the central government was forced into implementing New Deal,in order to restore the centralized system However,because both sides can't reach agreement in power distribution and relation adjustment and the long existing sharpened problems lead to Qing Dynasty disintegration
Journal of Xiangfan University
Clique of Westernization Movement
Joint denfence of southeast
New Deal
Reform of official rank