介绍膨胀土地基和路基的处治技术与关键施工工艺。分析曲菏高速公路路基膨胀土的矿物成分、膨胀性与膨胀潜势 ;土的膨胀性指标、灰土的强度随生石灰粉剂量的变化 ;压实控制标准对生石灰改性膨胀土稳定性的影响。给出确定生石灰粉改性膨胀土合理剂量的依据 ;施工要控制的关键工艺 ;灰土碾压含水量的控制标准 :在 90 %和 93 %区控制在比最佳含水量大 2 5 %~ 3 % ,在路床区控制在压实度所要求的干密度对应的含水量范围的上限。可直接指导膨胀土的改性、膨胀土地基和路基的技术处治。
The paper introduces the treatment technology and key construction technique for swelling soil,subgrade, analyses mineral constituents, expansibility and expanding potent of swelling soil subgrade; soil expansion index ,the change of intensity with that of quicklime's dose in lime earth; the effect resulted from compactness on stability of swelling soil improved by quicklime in the Quhe Expressway It provides the basis to determine the dose of quick lime powder improving swelling soil; and key technique for construction control;controlling criterion of moisture in lime earth : from 90% to 93%, moisture should be controlled from 2 5% to 3% above optimum moisture content In roadbed, moisture should be confined around the top limit in the range of moisture which compares with dry density required by compactness The technoltgy is effetive in swelling soil improvement, treatment, design and construction of swelling soil subgrade and foundation
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development