2 0 0 3年 ,将是我国国民经济持续高速发展的一年。也是国家重点强调能源和环境保护的一年。文章根据国家有关部门领导的报告 ,综合了我国能源和环境现状 ,介绍国家的计划安排和相应政策 ,侧重于燃煤烟气脱硫方面的政策措施 ,使能源和环境科技工作者明确在新的一年中我们肩负的重任。
In year 2003 Chinese economy will be still fast developed. Energy and environment issues will be very important facing to scientific and engineering people who are working in the fields of energy and environment protection. In this paper,the present status of energy and environment in China and the measures of reducing SO 2 pollution taken by government are introduced.
Energy Research & Utilization