法律信仰对于法治的重要意义不容置疑。依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家 ,树立法律信仰是其应有之义。鉴于法律信仰在中国的匮乏 ,更突显目前在中国树立法律信仰的必要性和紧迫性。通过对法律信仰在中国匮乏的文化和社会结构等因素的分析 ,试图探讨在中国树立法律信仰的途径。
Legal faith is not to be disputed in terms of the importance of rule by law. Legal faith is indispensable in the rule of the country by law and in building a socialist country ruled by law. As there is an obvious lack of legal faith, it is all the more necessary and urgent to restore legal faith in China.
Meitan Higher Education