目的:观察哈伯因治疗慢性精神分裂症患者智能障碍的临床疗效。 方法:以哈伯因治疗33例与全龟胶囊治疗29例,两组病例于治疗前后均测定胆碱酯酶(ChE)与乙酰胆碱(Ach)浓度。 结果:哈伯因组用药前后Ach浓度有显著差异,与全龟组比较亦有明显差异。患者智力明显提高。 结论:哈伯因治疗慢性精神分裂症患者能提高Ach浓度,对改善认知功能有效。
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of hyperzine on cognitive function of chronic schizophrenics. Method: 33 schizophrenic patients were treated with hyperzine and 29 patients treated with quan gui jiaonang. Clinical effcacy, blood condition of ChE and Ach, cognitive function of these patients were observed. Results : Ach level in hyperzine group was significantly increased after the treatment and was markedly higher than that in quan gui group. Conclusion: Cognitive function of chronic schizophrenics can be significantly improved and Ach level can be increased when treated with hyperzine.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry