对宝钢二炼钢LT系统蒸发冷却器所用的气雾两相流喷嘴的雾化特性进行了实验研究和分析。实验包括流量压力特性、雾化角、颗粒度的测试等。测试结果表明该喷嘴雾化效果较好 ,液滴SMD在 1 1~ 6 9μm范围内 ,喷嘴的气体参数与水状态参数彼此无影响。研究结果为优化喷嘴布置提供了依据。
The features of spraying nozzle used in the LT system are analyzed and studied.The specialty of flux-pressure,spray cone angle,and drop size are measured.The study indicates that the nozzle spraying effectiveness is good mean drop sizes SMD are in the range of 11μm and 69μm.The air and water properties are of little interaction for nozzle demonstration.The results of the study provided a theoretical base for the optimal allocation of nozzle and improvement of the LT evaporation cooling system.
Baosteel Technology