在对限幅型浪涌抑制器的波特性分析基础上 ,指出滤波环节对于提高设备浪涌抑制能力和满足电磁兼容的重要性。通过计算分析得出与之配合的滤波电路只能采用 L-C型滤波电路 ,并总结出具体滤波电感电容参数选择的原则 ,即 :滤波回路的时间常数应远大于预期的浪涌半波持续时间 ;
As the application of e tech, the minimization and complication of the electrical equipments. as well as the increasingly worsened electro magnetic enxironment of the LV power net the simple surpressor will no more satisfy the requirement of electro magnetic compatibility and an integreted surge suppressor, which is a simple surpressor combined with wave filtering technology, is required for the guarantee of its anti interference ability and the quality of source roltage. After an analysis on the performance of the ampltude limiting type surge surpressor concludes that the wave filtering is very important for the increase of equipments surge surpresing ability and meets the electro magnetic compalibity requirement. Through the computation and analycis, it's found out only L C type wave filtering circuit can be adapted in the in the integrated supressor and a general principle for selecting the parameters of wave filtering LC was sumarized, that is: the time constant of the wave filtering circuit should be much bigger than the duration of the expected surging half wave and the wave resistance of the wave filtering circuit must be far more bigger than the minimum dynamic resistance of the voltage sensitive resistance.
East China Electric Power
voltage sensitive resistance
surge surpressor
wave filtering circiut
electro magnetic compatibility