红军长征是我党民族政策形成的一条划分线 :在此之前是理论提出阶段 ,之时是实践检验阶段 ,之后则是理论再提出再实践阶段。《解放苗族决议案》和《关于苗族问题决议》、《关于对苗、瑶民的口号》分别成为前两个阶段的最早雏形。研究证明 ,这些文告既是我党早期民族政策形成的见证 ,又是我党作风上一贯务实求真之结果。苗瑶地区成为我党民族政策由理论到实践的第一块“试金石”。
The red armys long march is a boundary of shaping Chinese ethnic plicies:before this is the phrase of bringing forward to the theory,during this is the phrase of testing the theory,and after this is the phrase of retesting the theory.“Resolutions of liberating the Miao”,“Resolutions to the problems of the miao” and “the slogan of the Miao and Yao people” have respectively become the early rudiment of the first two phrases.According to the relevant research,these reports are both the testimony of the early ethnic plicies of the Chinese Communist Party,and the results of its earnest style always.So Miao and Yao area has already become the first milestone in Chinese ethnic policies' history. [
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)