Crossing experiments were conducted by selecting Populus liaoningensis , P . liaohenica and P. deltoids cv. Lux as fe-mal parents, and P . euramericana cv N3930 , P. xiaozuanica cv. ' Yixian , P . xiaozuanica cv. Anshan , poplar number 33, poplar Zhonglin 95 as male parent by Poplar crossbreeding Research Group of Liaoning provincial institute of poplar in 1992 and 1993.In this paper,ANOVA was conducted in accordance with male parent and femal parents regarding the data of 3 properties which included height and diameter for 4 years old tree and frozen damage index for one year old trees of the filial generation, and general combining ability of each femal and male parent whose ANOVA results were significant were estimated and comparer by using incomplete dialed Crossbreeding Design methods. The results indicated that: there was no significant diference for diameters of femal parents of P . liaohenica , P . liaoningensis and P . deltoids cv. ' Lux' , and P . liaohenica was dominant over P . liaoningensis and P . deltoids cv. ' Lux regarding height and cold resistance; the order of general combining ability of male parent was as follows: P . xiaozuanica cv. ' Anshan' , poplar Zhonglin 95 , poplar number 33, P . euramericana cv ' N3930 and P. xiaozuanica cv. ' Yixian' regarding properties of height, and P . xiaozuanica cv. ' Anshan' , poplar number 33, P. xiaozuanica cv. 'Yixian' , poplar Zhonglin 95 and P. euramericana cv 'N3930 regarding cold resistance.
Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology
poplar, parent , evalution, general combining ability, incomplete dialled crossbreeding