立法只是法的内潜运行阶段 ,它并不是法的目的。随着我国社会主义市场经济法律体系框架的初步形成 ,大规模的立法应告一段落 ;而执法的不到位 ,不仅使所立之法不能行之有效 ,且直接损毁了人们对法律的信念。因之 ,首倡应由立法时代过渡到严肃执法时代。如果说这一重心的转移是历史的必然 ,那么 ,这一转移的实现 ,不但具有重大的理论意义 ,尤具深远的现实意义。
Lawmaking should not be the ultimate purpose of law,but a preliminary stage in law enforcement system.As the basic construction of the market economic law system has been formed,the large-scale lawmaking is not longer an urgent aim.If the law enforcement is not treated seriously,it will not only make the law cannot be enforced,but will also hurt the belief of the people about the law.So we urge that the lawmaking era should be transmitted to a new era of serious enforcement of law.This transmission of focus is a historical trend,if succeeded,it will has a great significance theoretically as well as a great contribution in reality.
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College