冷战结束以来 ,中日关系表现出新的特点 :第一 ,中日政治关系起伏不定 ,曲折多变 ;第二 ,经济关系继续向前发展 ,但与政治关系发展不协调 ;第三 ,两国人民交流剧增 ,但相互之间信任感下降。从整体上讲中日关系发展不如以前 。
New features appear since ending the cold war. Firstly, the political relation between China and Japan rises, falls, and varisd; secondly, economic relation continues to develop, but it does not confirm to the development of political relation. Thirdly, exchanges between two peoples increase rapildy while the mutual trusts decrease. On the whole the development of the China-Japan is not as good as before for the increasing of the hindering factors. The thesis mainly expounds these factors.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University