湖南客家方言的演变有外因和内因两种。外因主要包括自然环境、交通状况、政治因素、行政区划、经济状况、家族因素、教育水平、方言情感以及年龄、职业等个人因素 ;内因有语音与意义之间的矛盾 ,语言内部的各系统之间的矛盾 ,语言内部各系统的各子系统、各相关成分之间的矛盾 ,口语与书面语之间的矛盾 ,客家话与“本地话”之间的矛盾 ,客家话与民族共同语之间的矛盾 。
This paper discusses the inner and outer causes of changes of Hakka Dialects in Hunan Province. The outer causes include the differences or changes of natural environment, traffic condition, political factors, administrative division, economic condition, family circumstances, level of education, dialectal feeling, and other personal factors such as age and occupation. The inner causes includes the contradictions between sound and meaning, spoken form and written form of language, the interactions between the different systems and elements inside the language, the influence of 'local speech' and the common national language to the Hakka Dialects, and the change of value of language application.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University