本文介绍了杜威的思想在一战期间及战后几年中的重要转变。在此期间 ,杜威重新探讨了早期的一些重要问题 ,比如个人与社会的关系 ,以及习性与冲动的关系。那时的中国也正处于一个重要的变化与萌动的时期 ,这些问题从理论与实践上对于当时的中国也都是至关重要的 ,本文指出杜威在 1919~ 192 1年间的中国之行为他提供了一个契机来重整他的这些哲学思想 。
This paper describes an important shift in Dewey's thinking that occurred in the last years of the first World War. Dewey rethought many earlier positions on important issues such as the relationship between the individual and society, and the relationship between what he came to call “habit,” which is the tendency to think in tried and true ways, and “impulse,” which represents new or nonconventional thought. China, at the time of Dewey's visit in 1919, was undergoing great change and ferment. The issues described above were important issues for the Chinese as well, in both a theoretical and a practical sense. Dewey's experience in China provided him with a deeper understanding of the importance of trying to work out some compromise position on each of the two issues.
Peking University Education Review