本文以米兰·昆德拉的《生活在别处》和巴金的《寒夜》为例 ,将个人的、本能的、非理性的、潜意识的东西放在不同的文化背景下去考察 ,从一个广阔的视角 ,辨析出相同的文学母题在不同文化环境下的不同变种 ,即冲突模式的不同 ,在《生活在别处》中表现为“母亲—儿子”的矛盾冲突模式。在《寒夜》中 ,则表现为“婆婆—媳妇”矛盾冲突模式。玛曼的悲剧是一种走不出自我的悲剧 ,汪母的悲剧更多的是一种“他者”造成的悲剧。
This essay mainly want to regard the two novels life is in other place ,the chilly night as the examples ,and to examine the personal, instinctive an d subconscious things of the two novels under different culture background. The two novels have an identical literature motif, and this essay will analyze the different mutations under different culture background of the identical literatu re motif. At first ,the conflict patterns of the two novels are different , Lif e is in other place is the 'mother-son' conflict pattern; The chilly night is t he 'mother-in-law-girl-in -law' conflict pattern. Secondly, the tragedy kinds o f two mothers in the two novels are different, human's tragedy comes from herse lf; Wang mother's tragedy is mostly caused by others.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)